There are a number of different terms for a horse, depending on three factors: its sex (male or female), its age, and its purpose (whether it is being used for breeding or not).
Following are the terms specific to a female horse:
- Mare - An adult female horse. Most horse organisations define this as a female horse over 3 years of age, some define it as a female horse over 4 years of age.
- Broodmare - A mare which is used mainly or entirely for breeding.
- Breeding Mare - This can be used to describe a mare used for breeding (in other words, a broodmare). It can also be used to describe a mare which is suitable for breeding, regardless of whether it is actually being used for breeding or not.
- Filly - A young female horse. Often defined as under four years of age but some organisations use 3 years or 5 years instead.
The following terms are specific to a male horse:
- Stallion. A male horse over four years old, which has not been castrated.
- Stud. A stallion which is being used for breeding or that is available for breeding. One also sees the terms 'stud stallion' and 'stud-stallion'.
- Gelding. A male horse which has been castrated, regardless of age.
- Colt. A male horse under the age of four. Some people use this term for both female and male horses under four, but correct use is for a male only.
- Ridgling (or rig). A male horse which has has an undescended testicle or has been incompletely castrated is called a ridgling. It will appear to be a gelding, but will have some of the behaviours of a stallion.
There are also some terms that are used for younger horses, regardless of their age:
- Yearling - Used for a horse which is between one year old and two years old. Some people follow an alternative definition, which is a horse approximately one year old.
- Foal - A horse which is less than a year old.
- Suckling - A foal which is still nursing.
- Weanling - A foal which has been weaned (no longer suckling). Most domesticated horses are weaned at 5 to 7 months of age, although commercial breeders often wean much earlier.
Variations on Age Definitions
These terms overlap to a certain extent. For example, a female horse which is 3.5 years old can be described as either a mare (an adult horse) or a filly (a young horse), since as a young adult it falls into both definitions. Likewise, an adult female horse which is being used for breeding can be described as a mare (a general category) or a broodmare (a more specific category).
Also, as noted above, the age definitions are interpreted differently depending on who is using them. For example, a filly may be defined as under 4 years of age, but some horse organizations define a filly as being under 3 years of age while others use 5 years.
When calculating age, racing organizations tend to use a specific date (e.g. 1st January) regardless of the actual birthday. For example, a horse born on 1st May 2009 would be considered a year old on 1st January 2010 (rather than on 1st May 2010). The reason for this is that some races are for specific ages (e.g. 3-year old only), while other races which accept multiple ages will handicap horses differently depending on their age. To have to track each horses actual birthday to determine if it is eligible to race and to calculate its handicap would be complex, so by using a common birthday for all horses one only needs to use the birth year, which is much simpler.
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