Saturday, October 3, 2009

Common Horse Diseases

Anyone who owns horses should have a basic understanding of illnesses often found in horses, as well as how to treat those diseases. Veterinarians often live far away or are unable to respond to a call immediately, so owners must sometimes handle a sick horse on their own.

Some of these are horse diseases, while others are more accurately disorders or conditions common to horses. Whatever the case, it is important to understand each of them.


Perhaps the most common horse disease is colic, which is a broad term used to describe an acute gastrointestinal problem. In some cases, colic signals an impaction of waste in the intestines; in others, it might simple constitute a stomach ache from changing feed or eating too fast.

When horses colic, they tend to bite at their stomachs, roll in their stalls and refuse to eat. Their gums will be tacky (lacking moisture) and gut sounds will have lessened or ceased. Of the illnesses found in horses, this is perhaps one of the most dangerous, and veterinary attention is essential.


There are several horse diseases common to the hoof, which is one of the most sensitive areas of the horse's body. Laminitis refers to inflammation of the digital laminae, which are attached to the hoof wall and to the coffin bone. When a horse suffers from laminitis, it will become increasingly difficult for him to walk without pain.

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