Monday, October 5, 2009

Green Iguanas Natural History

The green (or common) iguana (Iguana iguana) is an arboreal
(tree-living) and diurnal (daylight-active) lizard usually found at
elevations below 3,000 feet in tropical and subtropical regions from
northern Mexico to central South America. It is most often found in
the vicinity of rivers and streams.

Iguanas have short, powerful limbs equipped with strong, sharp
claws (for climbing and digging), and a long, strong tail. They can
reach lengths of 6-6 1/2 feet. A large flap of skin (the dewlap)
hangs from the throat and helps regulate body temperature. Iguanas
also have a prominent crest of soft spines (longer in males) along
the midline of the neck and back, beginning at the base of the skull.

Male iguanas tend to be larger and have brighter overall
coloration than females. The distinct color of males is especially
pronounced during the breeding season. Males tend to have larger
heads than females, in part because of swollen jowls. Both sexes
have 12-13 prominent pores arranged in a row on the underside of both thighs. These glandular structures secrete a waxy substance with
which iguanas mark their territory and identify each other. As the
males mature, their "femoral pores" develop slight outward
projections. This developmental modification probably enables the
male to better grasp the female during copulation.

An iguana's skin is entirely covered with very tiny scales.
Iguanas cannot change their coloring (as chameleons do), but certain
areas of the skin can become darker when exposed to direct sunlight.
Young iguanas are pale green with black-ringed tails. They mature
to a lighter, more earthy color, usually with dark vertical bars on
the body and tail.

Vision, hearing and the sense of smell are acute. In their
natural environment, iguanas tend to be very wary, hiding or fleeing
at any sign of danger. Iguanas are somewhat clumsy but accomplished tree climbers. They tend to bask by day on tree branches, often over water. When frightened or threatened, they usually drop (sometimes from great heights) into the water below. Being excellent swimmers, they quickly make their way to protective cover by pressing their front limbs along their sides and swishing their powerful tails from side to side. Iguanas can also safely land on the ground and run to protective cover after jumping from substantial heights. When threatened or cornered, iguanas can defend themselves with astonishingly quick, whip-like lashes of their tails and with their claws and jaws.

Iguanas mate in January or February. After a pregnancy of about
2 months, the female digs in moist sand or soil, usually near the
base of a tree, and deposits 25-40 eggs. The hatchlings, measuring
25-30 centimeters long, emerge in about 2 weeks. They grow 15-24
centimeters a year and attain sexual maturity in about 3 years.

An interesting, but unfortunate, fact is that the iguana is widely
hunted throughout its range for its tender white flesh and for its
alledged aphrodisiac properties. Central American natives refer to
the green iguana as "bamboo chicken". Because it is timid and
relatively slow, it is easily captured. Its eggs are also collected
and eaten by local hunters.

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