Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rodents quiz and answers

Guinea Pig Cages?
I'm Planning on getting one, what type of things should i put in the cage.And is there besides i can make a BIG cage, and if not what approx. size should the enclose be?

:*( How long will my gerbil survive ? :*(?
My gerbil wont eat or drink :( i moved her to my spare cage ( it provides a better view afterwards her regular cage ) and i've marked the water height on the bottle, checked it is working, I've weighed the amount of food i put in...

Can you house a dwarf campbell Russian hamster next to a roborovski dwarf hamster?
I have a female Cambell dwarf hamster and a male Robo hamster. They both look really lonley and I be wondering if I could put them in the same hold together and also if they will mate. Please help!

can you use a syrian hamster bubble for a dwarf hamster ?
My friend has a hamster and i have her as my secret santa she requests a hamster ball and she has a dwarf hamster but in overnight case in the Future she gets a syrian hamster i want to get a big bubble please answer 10 POINTS...

guinea Pig ask??
How do I give a guinea Pig a bath and how often should I?P.S. I hold a very (should I say ) skiddish guinea Pig and she even freaks oput when I pick her up but once I put her feet and stomach against me or the...

Hamster HELP!!xxxxxxxxxxxx?
/ i bought a hamster yesterdayand i got a bottle for itThe thing is the cage is plastic and it cant cling on resembling other hamsters How should i get it up

Help! Where can I find a nice non-kill rescue for rats?
I need to find better homes for 4/13 of my rats. I've been trying to re home them near no success. I don't want to sell them back to the pet store (where I get their mother), I am against using rats as live food, especially if...

i necessitate a C&C hold stand?
i need a stand for my 2x4 grid c&c cage i want it one grid off the ground

i really what a hamster.similar to closely.?
okay i reallyyy want a hamster soo bad i can taste it.but my dad isnt much of an animal lover! how do i convince him to let my enjoy one!

Is my guinea pig sick ? Does it hold a disorientation ? HELP ?
I got my guinea pig on Saturday, it looked fine, not very active, and not much of an appetite, it still ate, though. Since yesterday dark, he has been laying down not consumption with frequency, and is wet, only him and nil else., he...

My Hamster Has get out his round up?
He done it yesterday as well but i cant find him !!helpHe might of even goen under the floor boards /Anyone planning on how i can make him come back

whether i asked to buy a elder hasmter would they'd confer me one and that the hasmter hold a better providence of su...?
..rvival?? if i asked Pets at home do you think a elder hammy would have a less chance of dying as i know some hammys die straight absent and would they have one?? If anyone worked there or is working there could you narrate me if they...

why does my gerbil sway?
wen my gerbil stands up, he always sways to the left. He has done this since the light of day i had him. Do you think this is ok.

***Guinea Pigs***?
Can you guys tell me all you know about them. What to do and not to do. And how to pick one. How masses feet wide and stuff. And Should I get two right absent or get one and then a couple months later whether Im happy...

... cold guinea pig ?
my guinea pig likes to go outside to devour some grass. well he is relatively short- haired, but I would say he is medium ? it is cold here within Michigan, like 30 degrees F. I only pinch him outside for maybe 10 minutes cause I capture...

..My hamster's so afraid of me he shakes when I hold him. Help?
Sooooo.I'm pretty sure the majority of you have bared witness my desperate attempts at taming my hamster.He's with the sole purpose around six months old (got him in August from a nearby pet store) and, to this immensely day, he won't come into my palm. If there's...

/what hamster should i bring to be beside my dwarf hamster?
I need to buy her a hamster who is not prejudice and will make her happy. Please no males. What should i gain?

[Picture] Is my rat round up well-mannered?
This is a picture of my rattie's cage. :)We bought her this bird cage instead, and took out the bottom bars.Does this look flawless to you? I was also thinking about adding a long dangling bird toy for her to climb up. Good conception, or no?**She does...

~Whats wrong next to my hamster?Please support!emergency!~?
Well my hamster, hammy always comes out at exactly 11 pm,she was other active and runs in her ball everyday,but for the closing 2 days she has'nt done anything but sleep. Its now almost december.Is it to cold and she hibernating or is she freshly sick?Hammy is...

1 rat problem, is it unmoving? can i draw it out?
Yesterday, i found a rat in my backyard and It is living in my spa. Not where the relations sit but inside where the electronics and hoses are. I took a spring airsoft gun and played hunter for a little bit. I was competent to sneak up...

12 week hoary hamster have damp tail but on medication.. please read x?
Hello,My little hamster now 12 weeks ago has wet tail.. we found it thursday and took it too the vet subsequent day who gave us this powder stuff where i put a pinch into her food and sea.. and also this wet liquid stuff to squirt into...

12 week infirm hamster have drizzling tail but on medication.. please read x?
Hello,My little hamster now 12 weeks ago has wet tail.. we found it thursday and took it too the vet subsequent day who gave us this powder stuff where i put a pinch into her food and wet.. and also this wet liquid stuff to squirt into...

2 'Fixed' Male Rats - Fight or get hold of along?
Will 2 male rats get along with eachother whether they get fixed?

2 kid rat dream! HELP?

2.5 year ancient ratty, love this little girl, what to do?
She is the best rat i've ever had. I know that the cure for what ails her is simple antibiotics, I also know that this will cost $135. How to weigh the cost of love and the cost my, and family's cost of living?mel

20 gallon long aquarium?
I have a 20 gallon long aquarium. I had 3 dwarf hamsters and now simply 1 is still alive. I got them all at the same time and they are old-fashioned, about 1.5 years, so I'm sure the last one is going to see the bucket soon.After...

3 robo dwarf hamsters near babies?
if i have 3 robo dwarf hamsters and 1 is a father and another a mother what will the 3rd one do when it sees/interacts with the babies? should i seperate the 3rd one? *i know NOt to seperate the father because it will sustain take...

5 hamster question, uncomplicated 10 points?
1- In december I'm getting roborovski's and putting them in a 30 gallon tank, is that big enough? 2- Should I gain them from the store or from a breeder?3- At the moment I'm getting females, who are the most social4- Should I get 2 or 3...

A am completely unfortunate :(?
my fave hammy names ruby died and i miss her.any ideas of what i can do to get over it(its gonna be hard)

A appropriate pen for 3 hamsters?
I used to have them in a 10 gallon tank. They never fought. I sold the cistern when I bought a 50 dollar fancy 3 story cage. They started fighting and now they are separated into their own tank. Unfortunately, I have no room and need them...

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