Monday, October 5, 2009

Snake Bitten Pet

General Information

Poisonous snakes cause serious illness or death in many animals each year. The poison (venom) mainly affects the vascular and/or nervous system. Most snake bites in the United States are due to rattlesnakes, water moccasins, copperheads and coral snakes.

Signs of snake-bite poisoning vary according to the size and species of snake, amount of venom injected, size and general health of the victim, and the location of the bite.


Snake bites are extremely serious and most treatment takes place in the hospital. Along with specific treatment for venom, your pet will also be treated for shock and infection.

Emergency Field Treatment

If your pet is bitten again, perform the following emergency measures:

1. Identify the type of snake, if possible. Do not risk being bitten.

2. Keep your pet as quiet as possible with soothing talk and petting. Excitement and exertion speed the distribution of poison. Carry the animal to a place of safety.

3. If the bite is on a leg, immobilize the leg and carry the pet to your car. If you are more than 2 hours from the nearest veterinarian, apply a tourniquet above the bite wound, between the wound and the body. It can be left in place for up to 2 hours.

4. Immediately take the animal to the nearest veterinarian.

Notify the Doctor if Any of the Following Occur:

* Your pet is reluctant to eat or acts depressed.

* Your pet's bite wound becomes swollen, red or hot, or oozes pus or fluid.

* Your pet develops any new signs.


  1. Glad to know what are the necessary steps should be done once my pet is bitten by a snake. It would be very sad to loose such precious pet.

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  2. This is very helpful information.

    Dr. Michael Becker, DVM
    Becker Animal Hospital
